Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal
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June, 2004, Vol. 6, No. 2



Investigation of Initial Implant Stability with Different Dental Implant Designs. A Pilot Study in Pig Ribs Using Resonance Frequency Analysis
35 - 39


Oral Health and Children Attitudes Among Mothers and Schoolteachers in Belarus
40 - 43

Oral Health Behaviour of Adolescents: a Comparative Study in 35 Countries
44 - 50


Dental Implant Design and Biological Effects on Bone-Implant Interface
51 - 54


Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Changes of Blood Neutrophil Leukocytes Among Patients Suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Type I and Periodontal Diseases
55 - 58

Retrospection - Analysis of Patients Treated by the Endodontist
59 - 62

© 2004 Stomatologija

Stomatologija 2004; 6 (2): 59-62 253 KB

Retrospection - Analysis of Patients Treated by the Endodontist

Rasmute Maneliene, Irena Balciuniene


The aim of this retrospective investigation was to assess the medical status of the mouth of patients who presented themselves to an endodontist, taking into consideration: patient’s age, reason for coming to a dentist, diagnosed and treated apical periodontitis. Two years’ medical history of patients, who presented themselves to the endodontist, have been studied.

In 1995-1996 among 336 patients, who arrived at the endodontist, 36, 05 % came due to pain, 63,95 % of the patients attended the specialist after the directions of other specialist; more than 50 % off all treated patients from all patient groups had apical periodontitis and the first time having undergone the treatment.

Key words: apical periodontitis, orofacial pain, dental emergensies, endodontic treatment.

Received: 02 05 2004

Accepted for publishing: 20 05 2004

Rasmute Maneliene - D.D.S., PhD,, Institute of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University.

Irena Balciuniene -, professor, director of Institute of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University.

Address correspondence to Dr. Rasmute Maneliene: Zalgirio 115, Vilnius 2042, Vilnius, Lithuania.