Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal
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June, 2004, Vol. 6, No. 2



Investigation of Initial Implant Stability with Different Dental Implant Designs. A Pilot Study in Pig Ribs Using Resonance Frequency Analysis
35 - 39


Oral Health and Children Attitudes Among Mothers and Schoolteachers in Belarus
40 - 43

Oral Health Behaviour of Adolescents: a Comparative Study in 35 Countries
44 - 50


Dental Implant Design and Biological Effects on Bone-Implant Interface
51 - 54


Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Changes of Blood Neutrophil Leukocytes Among Patients Suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Type I and Periodontal Diseases
55 - 58

Retrospection - Analysis of Patients Treated by the Endodontist
59 - 62

© 2004 Stomatologija

Stomatologija 2004; 6 (2): 51-4 253 KB

Dental Implant Design and Biological Effects on Bone-Implant Interface

Linish Vidyasagar, Peteris Apse


The traditional protocol of dental implants has been based on a two-stage submerged surgical protocol, allowing a 3-6 months bone healing period. Thus within a treatment time-frame, implant-supported prostheses may take up to 7-8 months to complete, which from the patient’ perspective may be unsatisfactory. In an attempt to shorten treatment periods, there is a trend towards using a one-stage non-submerged surgical procedure along with an early/ immediate loading protocol. Consequently, primary implant stability becomes a prerequisite for successful bone integration of dental implants. Primary implant stability has been reported to be influenced by the bone quality and quantity, the implant geometry, and the site preparation technique. This review identifies the role of surface roughness and aspects of implant design on the initial implant stability and bone responses to these factors. Although clinical evidence is unclear on the effects of implant thread shape on initial implant stability, it may be deduced that thread design may be influential in poor quality bone, and not be as significant in good quality bone. It is concluded that to make early/ immediate loading a predictable treatment modality in a low-density bone, technical modifications should be made to adapt to different clinical situations in the establishment of biologic width and optimize initial stability and maximize the crestal cortical bone preservation by translating shear strains at the interface to a more compressive component.

Key words: dental, implant design, bone, interface

Received: 02 03 2004

Accepted for publishing: 27 05 2004

Linish Vidyasagar - B.D.S., MSc (Helsinki), Dip. Prosth., Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Riga Stradina University, Riga, Latvia.

Peteris Apse - D.D.S., MSc (Toronto), Dr. habil med. (Latvia), professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Riga Stradina University,Riga, Latvia.

Address correspondence to Prof. Peteris Apse, Dzirciema 20, Riga, Latvia, LV 1007. E-mail: