Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal | ||||||||||
March, 2009, Vol. 11, No. 1 CONTENTS ABSTRACTS The First International Baltic Ossoeintegration Academy (BOA) Congress "Thoughtful Look to the Nowadays Problems in Oral Implantology. 12-13 June 2009, Kaunas, Lithuania REVIEWS SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES CLINICAL CASE REPORTS © 2009 Stomatologija |
Stomatologija 2009; 11 (1): 11-14 160 KB Attitudes of general dental practitioners towards endodontic standarts and adoption of new technology: Literature review Vytaute Peciuliene, Rasmute Maneliene, Saulius Drukteinis, Jurate Rimkuviene Summary Summary Research data regarding attitudes of general dental practitioners towards endodontic therapy is rare. The present review summarizes existing literature and analyzes human factors that could potentially influence the outcome of endodontic treatment in general dental practice. Root canal treatment usually fails when treatment falls short of acceptable standards. The results of questionnaire surveys from several countries indicate that differences between daily general practice and academic teaching exist. The results of studies indicated that majority of general practitioners disregard the most basic principles of endodontic treatment. The most striking finding is the generally negative attitude amongst general dental practitioners towards performing endodontic treatment and adoption of new technologies in a daily endodontic practice. The results confirm that root canal treatment is technically demanding and in general practice is carried out under less than optimal conditions. This review shows the importance of continuous dental education for practitioners in order to update their knowledge. Key words: general practitioner, root canal treatment, questionnaire survey. Received: 23 11 2008 Accepted for publishing: 26 03 2009 *Institute of Odontology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius university, Vilnius, Lithuania Vytaute Peciuliene* – DDS, PhD, assoc. professor Rasmute Maneliene* – DDS, PhD, assoc. professor Saulius Drukteinis* – DDS, PhD, lecturer Jurate Rimkuviene* – DDS, assist. professor Address correspondence to assoc. professor Vytaute Peciuliene, Institute of Odontology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius university Zalgirio str. 115, 08217 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail address: |